Torres Tovar illustration blog

Art Studio Utopia

Online Art Learning

Charcoal Portraits week One

Luis TorresComment

The main goal of this workshop - other than having a fun relaxing time - was to simplify the steps and process to develop your portrait drawings.

We started by looking at the types of charcoal we can use and the proper grip to render the quality of line we want. Then we drew eggs and gave them a center line and eye line in basic poses.

What we were after is more of a state of mind where we can remain in a loose, relaxed, confident sketching mode throughout the entire process. The next exercise is timed as we find the basic egg, the center line and the eye line as we look at portraits. Each sketch is a 30 second sketch.

In our next drawing - we apply each step of this process and we take it a little further by finding the basic big shapes and angles - and the shadow (dark) shapes. The tendency is to want to add details or ‘Draw’. It is key to remember that the state of mind discussed earlier is crucial and you must catch yourself if you are falling back on old habits.

This brings us to our final exercise. The fact that we will have more time can be a trap. You must stay focused on the goal for each stage of your drawing and pace yourself with discipline not to make up information that is not observed. You are building a strong foundation step by step and making the corrections before you move forward. In the end there is very little you will have to do in terms of detail - as every stage comes together in a solid sketch.